Introducing the NightRaid Vizors: the ultimate gaming ally designed to elevate your gaming marathons into all-night adventures without the strain. Crafted for the relentless gamer, NightRaid Vizors blend cutting-edge technology with unparalleled style, ensuring you stay on top of your game without compromising on comfort or eye health.

Key Benefits:

  • Enhanced Visual Clarity: Experience crystal-clear visuals with enhanced contrast and sharpness, making every detail in your game pop, from shadowy figures lurking in the dark to the vibrant hues of fantastical landscapes.
  • Eye Strain Reduction: Say goodbye to tired, dry eyes. Our lenses are engineered to filter out blue light, reducing eye strain and allowing for longer, more comfortable gaming sessions.
  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Protect your natural sleep cycle. NightRaid Vizors minimize blue light exposure, helping you maintain your circadian rhythm and enjoy restful sleep after gaming into the night.

Innovative Features:

  • Advanced Blue Light Blocking: Our state-of-the-art lenses block out the optimal amount of blue light, safeguarding your eyes from the harmful effects of prolonged screen exposure.
  • Ultra-Lightweight Design: Crafted with gamers in mind, the Vizors are so light you’ll barely notice them, allowing you to dive deep into your gaming world without any distractions.
  • Durability Meets Style: Not only are NightRaid Vizors built to last with high-quality materials, but they also boast a sleek, modern design that looks as good as it performs.
Weight 30 g
Dimensions 30 × 140 × 40 mm


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